Brochure Wallpaints & Plasters
Brochure Wallpaints & Plasters Art. 841
Broschurer-Wallpints & Plasters
Brochure Surfaces

145 pages
Texts in German and English
ISBN 978-3-00-021809-5
Kreidezeit self-published by Jule Ziesemann
Kreidezeit Item No. 753
Authors: Gerd Ziesemann, Martin Krampfer
The authors follow the art of tadelakt from the extraction of raw materials to its processing and countless application examples. Whether in hammams, the oriental steam baths or in modern bathrooms, right up to wellness centres, Tadelakt always shines with its peculiar, almost lively appearance. In addition, there are columns, arches, domes, walls of all kinds and real art objects. More than thirty Tadelakt processors have made pictures of their work available for this book, so that we have here one of the largest collections of modern possibilities of this centuries-old material.