
In many European and non-European countries we sell our products through general importers:
Our international partners.

We cannot supply you directly in these countries. Please contact your importer in your country.
Depending on national taxes and transport costs, the product prices at your importer may differ from the German prices.

If there is no general importer in your country, we will be happy to supply you directly
and to make you an offer including transport costs.
The transport costs vary greatly depending on weight, type of shipment and destination country.
For a precise offer we need from you exact information about the quantity of the desired products.
Do not hesitate to ask us:

Kreidezeit Naturfarben GmbH
Kassemühle 3
D – 31195 Lamspringe, Germany
Tel. +49 5060 6080 650
Fax +49 5060 6080 680

opening hours
Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.