Walnut Shell Granules

Packing size 250 g
Range -
Consumption per m² -
Exact application rate values must be determined on site.

Fine granules from natural walnut shells give finly dotted textures to our plasters.

As an additive to KREIDEZEIT Lime Wall Finish smooth, Lime Wall Finish fine, Lime Wall Finish medium and Marmorino.

Recommended quantity to be added
1 % (25 kg plaster + 250 g Walnut Shell Granules)

Maximum quantity to be added

5 % (25 kg plaster + 1250 g Walnut Shell Granules)

When using the product, the complete Product information must be observed.

Preparing the sustrate
Treat all slightly and/or irregular absorbent substrates (i.e. plasterboards, gypsum fibre boards, repaired plasters) at first with Vega Primer or Casein Primer. Cover the surface evenly with Lime Wall Finish -smooth- or Lime Wall Finish -medium- and let dry properly. An even structure can only be achieved on evenly absorbent substrates.

Add the desired amount of Walnut Shell Granules to the already mixed plaster.
Apply the plaster and work out slight textures if desired. Let set a while. Then densify the surface with a trowel in a steep angle. Thus, the Granules are exposed on the surface.

Mixtures with Lime Wall Finish -smooth-, Marmorino and Marble Fibre Render can also be sanded (P240) to make the Granules become visible.
Finally dedust thoroughly and treat the surface with Polishing Soap to bind residues of dust.

The colour of Walnut Shell Granules can vary from harvest to harvest. Sometimes a higher content of tannic acid is given by nature, this might create slightly larger spots in the plaster.

Product information Decorative Aggregates

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If there is no dealer in your region, you can order directly from us under +49 5060 – 6080650 or under info@kreidezeit.de.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.