Stucco Fine


Stucco Fine is a very easy-to-use lime plaster for exclusive, very fine stucco works on smooth surfaces in the interior. Already two wafer-thin layers produce a lazuring, deep transparency.

Stucco Fine has a natural fungicidal effect and can therefore also be used in damp rooms without any problems.

Suitable surfaces for application are untreated, even and absorbent plasters: lime plasters, lime cement plasters, cement plasters and gypsum plasters. Ideal for application on Kreidezeit Lime Wall Finish -smooth- or Lime Wall Finish -fine-.
Unsuitable surfaces are e.g. old gluebound distemper coatings, chalking lime coatings, oil paint coatings, latex- and plastic coatings, wood and wood-based material, metal and all even, non-absorbent surfaces as well as permanently humid surfaces.



  • Powder to be mixed with water
  • Colour: white
  • Easy to use
  • diffusible
  • Natural white due to fine marble flour
  • Without Titanium White
  • Water repellant after treatment with Kreidezeit Polishing Soap
  • High gloss finish after treatment with Kreidezeit Punic Wax
  • Viscosity: paste-like after mixing with water
  • vegan


Full Declaration

Marble lime hydrate, marble flour, cellulose, clays, methyl cellulose.

When using the product, the complete product information must be observed.

Apply a base coat to all renders, fillers, levelled drywall and concrete with Casein Primer or Vega Primer and leave to dry completely.

Mixing the Plaster
Stir the powder into the required amount of clean, cold water using a powerful electric drill with a paint stirrer. Ensure that all clots are stirred out properly. Clean the rim of the bucket with a trowel from time to time.
After an expanding time of at least 20 minutes, stir again thoroughly before application.
Tipp: The best quality is achieved when the plaster is mixed one day before application and covered with plastic foil, this leads to the best consistency.

Water required
1 kg of powder requires 500 – 550 ml of water.

Rough surfaces, drywalls and fibrous plaster boards must be smoothed with Kreidezeit Lime Wall Finish fine or Marble Fibre Render prior to application. Sand after drying if necessary.

Application temperature at least 8°C.
Stucco Fine Render is applied thinly in two or more layers.
The first layer is applied evenly over the entire surface in the desired hue. Wait at until the first layer is dry before applying the following layers. The following layers are applied in quick succession over the entire surface or in the spot-stopping technique. Only the last layer of Stucco Fine can be pressed to a gloss finish with a venetian trowel.

Shortly resp. at the latest 24 hours after the last layer of Stucco Fine, apply KREIDEZEIT Polishing Soap thickly, regularly and allover the surface with a soft brush. After a short setting time densify and polish with a trowel while taking off surplus material. Through this, a higher gloss and a water and dirt repellent surface is achieved. Chemically this process creates an insoluble lime-soap by the reaction of polishing soap with the lime in the surface.

Further Treatments
After at least 24 hours of drying time and to achieve a higher gloss, apply KREIDEZEIT Punic Wax thinly and polish with a Venetian Trowel.

Drying Times
Dry after approx. 24 hrs at 20°C and 65% relative humidity.

Suitable Tools
You will find quality tools in our assortment: Venetian trowels, Spring-steel Trowel.

Cleaning the Tools
Immediately after use with water.

Product information Stucco Fine

Material Safety Data Sheet Stucco Fine

– Instruction Applying Stucco Fine

– Special Effects
To achieve metallic and interference effects, Punic Wax can be tinted with KREIDEZEIT Pearlescent Pigments (artic-le no. 1.10 – 4.19).
It is also possible to use several hues or colours during spot-stopping.
Nice decorative applications can be given with Storch Stencils or Kreidezeit Ammonite Stencils. If Multi Purpose Wax is stencilled onto the smoothed and soaped surface, the Stucco Fine gets a darker, deeper shade at this area. This results in a discreet, noble accent with a velvety sheen.

Stucco Fine Render can be tinted with up to 10 % KREIDEZEIT pigments.

Colour Chart
Pigment guide Additional Pigments

Stir pigments into the mixing water before mixing the plaster. Ensure that all clots are stirred out properly. To gradate, stir pigments in water and add to the already mixed plaster. We recommend to clean the rim of the bucket with a trowel and to pour the tinted plaster into a new, clean bucket to get rid of untinted residues in the corners of the bucket. Instruction
Do not store Stucco Fine pigmented with ultramarine pigments for longer than 24 hours.

Printed versions are available from KREIDEZEIT and KREIDEZEIT dealers.

We would like to point out that the color tones cannot always be displayed correctly by different monitors and their settings. The same applies to self-produced prints of these colours. In order to get a better or true-to-original impression of our colours, we recommend the purchase of our colour cards with original coats or our printed, free flyers.

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If there is no dealer in your region, you can order directly from us under +49 5060 – 6080650 or under
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.